The Cleveland Law Library is hosting a November 29th CLE program on Acquiring, Building & Leasing Commercial Real Estate. This seminar will focus on the three (3) major phases related to commercial real estate. First, Elliott M. Kaufman from Buckley King will provide a detailed road map explaining how to purchase commercial real estate from the meeting with the client through all post-closing issues. Michael S. McMahon from McMahon DeGulis will then discuss building on commercial real estate, with a topical focus on "green" building and the risks associated with unanticipated problems. Finally, Richard D. Tomsick from Forest City Enterprises will discuss the best and worst practices in the preparation of commercial leases. Registration begins at 1:00 p.m., and the program will run from 1:30 p.m. through 4:15 p.m. Registration is $70 for members and $85 for non-members. Click here for the registration form, or call (216-861-5070) or email ([email protected]) the Law Library to sign up.
If you are interested, look for more information later on three (3) other programs we have on tap for December.